Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Balmy and Breezy, Because of JP

Hello my friendly little friends!

Today was going to be a beatiful day, full of sunshine and songbirds. My absolute bestest buddy Winter and I were talking it over last night, as we gazed down on moonlit meadows at my furry little friends frollicking about and nibbling at the first buds of new growth. Pardon me a moment while I let out a contented little sigh, because I do so love new growth, and friendly little bunny rabbits, and especially moonlight meadows.

... sigh ...

So Winter, who is about to head south to take over layering the southern hemishphere in snowy little huggles for a few months, was helping me to plan this perfect little day of happiness and cheer to say goodbye to her and kick-off my 3-month pretty party, when we glanced toward a twilight-darkened street and saw something that really just soured my mood. It'd be best if I just relay the conversation here. If I have to go into the details, I might just cry myself into a tizzy - and really, who's heard of March Showers? Nobody, that's who. Here was our little exchange:

Winter: 72 might be a little too warm, Spring. Maybe you should keep it more to the mid-60s for a few more weeks.

Spring: You're right, you're right. I just get so excited! I know how much my cuddly little woodland friends love to bask in the rays of the .... O .... M .... G ....

Winter: What is it, dear? More bad news about the casting of the Twilight sequel?

Spring: What? No! Look at that, down there. Is that guy wearing AVIATORS? It's 2009!

Winter: Oh my, you're right. Maybe he just watched Top Gun and got nostalgic.

Spring: Please, Winter. Those aren’t dusty aviators busted out for old-time’s sake. Those are seriously new. Like totally treasured favorite shades. W T F?

Winter: Come now, who would do such a thing? And at night, too? Oh, nevermind… uh, don’t look dear….

Spring: J P FREAKING LEONARD! That’s who! I hate him sooooo much! (Hollaring at JP) SUNglasses are made to be worn in SUNshine, JP!

Winter: Calm down dear. I know you march in like a lion and all that, but…

Spring: Oh no. I will NOT allow this fashion travesty to continue. JP wants to wear his aviators in inappropriate weather, fine! Tomorrow’s gonna suck. And the next day. And every day until he takes off those stupid freaking glasses.

Winter: I guess this means I get to stick around a few more weeks. One of these years, I’m going to kill that groundhog…

So, like, there it is. That’s why today sucks. And tomorrow will too. I’d apologize and all, because you know I love you all so very very much, but I can’t. It’s not my fault the weather sucks. It’s JP Leonard’s fault.

I totally hate that guy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things I...

Things I love...

1) Sunshine
2) Flowers
3) Babies
4) Birdies
5) Rainbows
6) Kites
7) Giggles
8) Smiles
9) Sunshowers

Things I hate...

∞) JP Leonard